Setting up SendGrid Tracking to Integrate back into Reporting

When you have set up your SendGrid account to send your emails, your email analytics will be reported to SendGrid.

Use this process to see Clicks, Opens, Bounces and Spam Reports directly in your AllClients account. You will also need to turn on the reporting for Intelligent Links to work correctly with SendGrid.

You will need a specific SendGrid Plan for this to work

If you purchase a SendGrid plan that has the "Event Webhook" option, you can integrate the analytics back into your account. Currently the "Event Webhook" is available with the SendGrid Essentials plans and higher. Follow these steps to set up the integration.

1. Sign into your SendGrid Account.

Go to to Log in.

2. Go to Settings, then Mail Settings.

3. Click on Event Webhooks.

4. Choose Create new webhook.

5. Add a Friendly Name and add this as the Post URL:

Check to make sure there are no spaces before or after your URL. Spaces will cause errors and you will not get the analytics.

6. Select only these Actions to be reported back: Bounced, Opened, Clicked and Mark as Spam.

Make sure only these events are checked. If you check additional event types, this can cause issues and you may not see any analytics in your account.

7. Once you have the above selected, Click Save.

Make sure your selections look like this:

8. Once you save the webhook, your screen should look like this. You are all set.

SendGrid has a minor delay in updating settings. It can take over an hour for the changes to reflect. 

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