Work with a Group of Contacts

Sometimes you want to work with a single contact, sometimes you will want to work with ALL of your contacts, and sometimes you will want to work with a specific group of your contacts like All Past Customers or Contacts from the Country Club.

1. Navigate to ClientTouch.


2. Click on Clear Workgroup to remove your old workgroup and start fresh.


3. Click the Add Contacts Tab.

Click the Add Everyone link if you want to work with all of your contacts.


4. Select the button for the group or groups of contacts you want to work with.

Note that the number of contacts in each group will be displayed next to the button. Also keep in mind that in many cases, the same contact will be part of multiple groups.


5. Your Workgroup is created! From here you can perform several functions for this group.

You can always see who is in your group by clicking on the Manage button or reviewing the About This Workgroup section.


You can remove groups from within this group using the Remove Contacts Tab or the Remove from Workgroup links in the About This Workgroup section.

The Manage tab will let you remove one or more contacts by name.