Customizing the "Sent via" with your email provider

When email is sent out through your system, the email will show a "sent via" in the email header. You may use your email provider's whitelabeling process to replace the with your own domain.

This will allow you to customize the name, and it can also lead to a better email reputation with more consistent inbox delivery.

The whitelabeling process involves the creation of several new DNS records which establish a new subdomain in your domain registrar. When creating this new subdomain it is very important to choose one that has not yet been established within your DNS settings in order to avoid conflicting records.

You will also want to White Label the Email Links. This will make the links unique and less likely to be filtered for spam. Regular links are more likely to be recognized as spam since they use generic domains. Use the same domain, with a separate sub-domain, that you are using for the white labeling of the sent via domain.

Follow the specific instructions from your Email provider (SendGrid or MailGun) to complete the whitelabeling process.

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