Popup Form - Show Button More Than Once

Popup Forms are designed to be used only once on your website page. If you want to have the option to show the button multiple times on the same page, you can use HTML code to display the button.

This process requires HTML knowledge and is recommended for advanced users only.

Here are some options for adding code to show the same form:

Regular Embed Example<br>
<script id='acPopUpScript' src='[Use exact code from LANDING PAGE > POPUP FORM]'></script>
Button Example (uses same snippet, calls with JavaScript)<br />
    <button onclick="AcPopUp.show();">Click Me to Open Modal</button>
 Link Example (can be used with images) <br />
  <a href="#" onclick="AcPopUp.show();" style="cursor:pointer;">Third Trigger</a>

They will look like this:

Here is what your code may look like:

	Button Example (uses same snippet, calls with JavaScript)<br />
    <button onclick="AcPopUp.show();">Click Me to Open Form</button>


	Link Example (can be used with images) <br />
	<a href="#" onclick="AcPopUp.show();" style="cursor:pointer;">Click Me to Open Form</a>