Workflow Triggers
Workflow Triggers allow you to add a contact from an outside source and then run a Workflow (formerly known as Action Set) in a single step.
Each Workflow has it’s own “API-like” endpoint (a unique URL for each Workflow).
To enable a Workflow Trigger for a specific Workflow, go to AUTOMATION > WORKFLOWS, and edit a Workflow. Then, set “ENABLE THIS WORKFLOW TRIGGER” to “ON”
You will be given a Custom URL that you can then use in your integration.
Help With Workflow Triggers
Use an HTTP FORM POST to add a contact to the database, with any of the following form fields below.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not send the fields in the url querystring. Data should be sent as form data in an HTTP POST.)
A successful post will add the contact and run the Workflow defined by the Trigger URL.
Remember that Triggers have duplicate handling options defined inside the trigger. The options are:
- Update the contact with information from the outside source, and then run the Workflow
- Update the contact with information from the outside source, but DON'T run the Workflow
- Don't update the contact with information from the outside source, but still run the Workflow
- Do nothing. Don't update the contact and don't run the Workflow
You will receive feedback on your HTTP FORM POST in JSON format.
Example Results JSON
A Note About Required Fields
Submitting an email field is strongly recommended (All duplicate handling is done via the email field). Otherwise, either firstname or fullname is required.
Form Fields
Field | Max Length* | Required | Notes |
75 | Recommended | Duplicates will be determined by PRIMARY email address. If a duplicate is found, the OLDEST record with the matching PRIMARY email will be used. What occurs when a duplicate is encounterd is defined in the Trigger. Email address will be automatically opted in. | |
firstname | 50 | Conditional | Recommended. A period charcter will be put in place if empty field is submitted |
lastname | 50 | No | Recommended. A period charcter will be put in place if empty field is submitted |
fullname | 50 | Conditional | Special Field: If submitted, we will override firstname and lastname and attempt to automatically split the fullname into the firstname and lastname fields |
birthday | 10 | No | Birthday year is optional. Use only formats MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY. Zero pad leading digits, so month and day are always 2 digits. January 5th is 01/05. |
otherfirstname | 50 | No | |
otherlastname | 50 | No | |
otherbirthday | 10 | No | Birthday year is optional. Use only formats MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY. Zero pad leading digits, so month and day are always 2 digits. January 5th is 01/05. |
company | 50 | No | |
address | 50 | No | |
city | 50 | No | |
state | 20 | No | Recommended that this be the 2 digit state code for US addresses |
postalcode | 20 | No | |
phone1 | 20 | No | Will automatically be formatted to (xxx) xxx-xxxx |
phone1note | 20 | No | Recommended that description is used if known (work, home, mobile, etc…) |
phone1textoptin | 1 | No | Use value of "1" to opt in Phone 1 for texting |
phone2 | 20 | No | Will automatically be formatted to (xxx) xxx-xxxx |
phone2note | 20 | No | |
phone2textoptin | 1 | No | Use value of "1" to opt in Phone 2 for texting |
phone3 | 20 | No | Will automatically be formatted to (xxx) xxx-xxxx |
phone3textoptin | 1 | No | Use value of "1" to opt in Phone 3 for texting |
phone3note | 20 | No | |
phone4 | 20 | No | Will automatically be formatted to (xxx) xxx-xxxx |
phone4note | 20 | No | |
phone4textoptin | 1 | No | Use value of "1" to opt in Phone 4 for texting |
fax | 20 | No | Will automatically be formatted to (xxx) xxx-xxxx |
otheremail | 75 | No | |
custom1 | 50 | No | Recommended that you only use custom fields when user’s exact custom field mapping is known |
… | … | … | Custom 1 through 20 |
custom20 | 50 | No | |
memo | 50 | No | Brief memo for contact. This is not a note, but a brief memo that shows up on the contact’s page. Recommended less than 100 characters. |
category | 50 | No | Must match the name of an existing Category exactly. Any mismatch will result in the category not being assigned. |
category2 | 50 | No |
Must match the name of an existing Category2 exactly. Any mismatch will result in the category2 not being assigned. (This is the customizable category)
source | 50 | No | Must match the name of an existing Source exactly. Any mismatch will result in the source not being assigned. |
othersystemid | 32 | No | For tracking the ID of this contact in another system |
teammemberid | No | Must be the internal ID for a team member that owns a database inside of the matching account for the trigger. (Advanced use only) | |
addednote | No | When a contact is added via the API, a note is added to the contact record. The default is “Contact Added via API”. You can override the default note with this field. |
* An error will not result if Max Length is exceeded. Data will be trimmed to this length.