Send Email To-Dos Automatically

You can use this feature to set up your Email To-Dos to go out automatically on the day they are due.

Before you jump in, make sure to do these 3 things:

1. Make sure that your Mail Merge Profile is setup and successfully tested.

2. Make sure that you have Email Templates assigned to the Email To-Dos.

3. The contact will need to be opted-in for email.


1. Hover over Contacts. Choose To-Do List.


2. Click the Send Emails Tab. Select the Autosend option at the bottom of the screen. Choose the time of day you want the emails to send using the dropdown.


3. Click back to the View All tab in To-Dos.

We have you do this step so that the next time you click to your To-Do List you are viewing all of your To-Dos not just your Email To-Dos.

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