Import Contacts (Basic)

Importing contacts from another system.

Once you have your contacts exported to a .CSV file from your current system, you are ready to import your contacts. Follow these steps to import that file:

1. Hover over your Profile Picture and select Data Migration.


2. Choose Import Contacts.


3. Click Import Contacts.


4. Check the box to acknowledge your list is not a purchased list. Click Continue.

This page will show you the current number of contacts in your system, along with your account contact limits. You will use this page to choose the options for your import. 


5. Optional, Team Database. 

If you have a team, you will be able to import your file directly into the team member's database. Only the Account Owner, Power Users and Independent Users have their own databases and will be on this list. Select your option here.


6 . Assign. 

Use this section to add a Category, Category 2, Source and/or Tag to your entire list of contacts. Anything chosen in these dropdowns will be applied to all contacts in this import. If you do not have the library option you want to use, click the blue circle with the plus to create a new library option to add to this imported list.


7.  Advanced Options. 

Check the top box if your spreadsheet includes Categories, Sources or Tags that you want to import. Next, choose how you want to handle duplicates in the import.


8. Choose your File and click Next.


9. Map your data. 

This page will show you the columns from your spreadsheet on the left and on the right, you will choose which field you want your data to go in our system. Use the drop down to match the field (see sample). You can use Custom Fields for data that we do not currently have a matching field for, use Skip This Field if you do not need the information in that column included.


10. Once all of your fields are mapped, click Run Import.


11. Import Confirmation. 

This will show you how many contacts were imported. You can download a spreadsheet of any skipped duplicates if needed. You can add the list to Group Actions if you want to perform any actions for the group (like opting a group of customers in for email).


12. Check your data and make sure everything imported correctly. If there is anything missing or in the incorrect place, you may want to delete the import batch and try again.