Export a Group of Contacts

You can easily export any group of contacts by adding your contacts to Group Actions and selecting Export from the Group Actions menu.

This example will show you how to export everyone in the Category named "Past Clients".

Exporting your contacts makes a copy of the contacts, it does not remove them from the system.

1. Hover over Contacts and choose Group Actions.


2. Click Clear Workgroup.


3. Click the Add Contacts tab, then select the group you want to work with to add the contacts to your workgroup.

In this example, we'll select the category Past Client from my example database.  Of course you can select any Category, Category 2, Tag, or Source that fits your needs. You may select multiple options here too, it will combine the group. You can use the Remove Contacts and Manage tabs to further refine your workgroup.


4. The Contacts in Workgroup counter will reflect the number of contacts selected.


5. Go to the Actions tab and select Export Data.


6. Choose your options and click Export Contacts.


7. Choose the Fields you would like to export and the way you want the Custom Field Headers to appear. Click Export Contacts.

Your export file will be downloaded to your computer as a .CSV file (Comma Separated Values).  This is a very common file format that can be easily opened by other programs, including Microsoft Excel.


It is a good idea to export your contacts periodically so that you have them as a back-up if you need to access them offline.

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